Morgan & Morgan Salutes Military Veterans

6 min read time
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On Veterans Day, we honor those who’ve served our country and the families who in their own way served along with them. Joining the armed forces is one of the highest forms of sacrifice one can make, and we are forever grateful for your service and the service of your loved ones.

At Morgan & Morgan, we know the passion, skill, and dedication that veterans bring home with them from their service first-hand. We’re proud to employ more than 100 veterans across the country. Their presence and contributions are felt every day.

For example, meet Victoria Drummings, who works in our Jacksonville office. She is a legal assistant helping veterans get their disability benefits. She was in the Navy for 22 years. She says her favorite part of her job is “getting my veterans the benefits they so deserve. Some of these benefits are life-changing for them.”

For Drumming, being a veteran means everything to her.

“To have been part of an exceptional military, serving this country, is the best feeling anyone could have,” Drumming says. “I absolutely love this country and all my veterans that have gone before me to pave the way for me.” 

In our Tallahassee office is Donna Colvin, a case manager and paralegal in our workers’ compensation office, who served in the U.S. Army. She loves “working with clients during a difficult time in their lives and helping them through the workers' compensation system.”

“I'm proud of my military service—being the only female in my family to ever join,” Colvin says. “The military taught me how to be resilient, confident, and determined to accomplish any goals I set for myself. It taught me leadership and loyalty, as well as commitment. I consider it my honor to have served our country, and I stand by everything it represents.”

Giving Back

Because we know first-hand what the experience of coming home can be like, we are committed to making sure that the promises made to our veterans are kept. Consider the story of Col. Alan C. Bunting, USAF.

Mr. Bunting served 32 years in the U.S. Air Force, retiring as a Colonel in 2004. He has a history of kidney problems dating back to 1991, but when his kidneys failed in 2014, the VA refused to give him any disability benefits for his kidneys. So Col. Bunting reached out to Morgan & Morgan. Attorney Stacey Clarke and case manager April Vaughan got to work, and soon after, Col. Bunting received full benefits for his end-stage kidney disease.

"It was the best service for virtually no money," Col. Bunting said in an interview, "and it was all about me."

Col. Bunting still keeps in touch with Stacey and April. He says, "It makes me feel good to know there's an organization out there that will look out for the troops like the VA should be doing."

Veterans can also face issues when returning to their jobs after their tour of duty. The Uniformed Services Employment and Reemployment Rights Act (USERRA), passed in 1994, requires civilian employers to return service members to the job they had when they left—as long as the period of absence is 5 years or less. It clarified and strengthened the earlier Veterans’ Reemployment Rights law.

Those are just some examples of the challenges veterans face after serving our country. They shouldn’t have to endure those challenges, however, and we’re here to help them pursue what they deserve for sacrificing so much for our freedoms.

Resources for Vets

A number of businesses are offering free food, services, and resources to vets today. For more information, visit this page.

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