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Covington Car Accident Lawyer near me

When you get injured in a car accident in Covington, insurance companies will make you believe you will get compensation when you file a claim. After all, that's the whole point of having insurance, right? But they won't mention that you will likely face stiff resistance throughout the claims process. That's because insurance companies make money by minimizing payouts and maximizing the premiums they receive from policyholders. One more thing you need to know is that insurance claims adjusters are equally difficult to deal with. That's because they work for insurance companies, not in your best interests. Add that to the already complex car accident laws in Kentucky, and you'll likely have a rough time pursuing the compensation you need and deserve. But things don't have to turn out that way. Having a Covington car accident lawyer near you can make all the difference in your pursuit of compensation. Contact us today to learn how Morgan and Morgan, America's largest injury firm, might be able to help you get compensated for your injuries and losses.


Morgan & Morgan

    Why Should I Hire a Morgan and Morgan Car Accident Lawyer in Covington?

    On top of being America's largest and most powerful injury firm, We have been fighting for the rights of the injured for more than 35 years. In addition, our powerful legal resources, which include an army of 1,000 plus attorneys, make us uniquely equipped to handle the complexities of such cases. So, whether the car accident occurred due to a defective product, a government agency's negligence, an employer's recklessness, or any other reason, we have the resources to get to the bottom of the case and hold the liable party accountable. With Morgan and Morgan, no defendant is too powerful to pay what they owe the injured.

    How Much Does Morgan and Morgan Charge Per Car Accident Case?

    Despite being a nationwide law firm with some of the best injury attorneys in the country, we do not charge any upfront fees for our services. Instead, we only get paid if we win the case and secure a favorable settlement or verdict for our clients.

    How Do I Know If I Have a Valid Car Accident Case?

    It's simple: head over to our free case evaluation form, fill it out, and submit it. We will review the specifics of your case and contact you to discuss the way forward.

    What Compensation Can I Recover With the Help of a Morgan and Morgan Car Accident Lawyer?

    Kentucky is one of the few states that follow the no-fault system. Here, you can recover damages through your own insurance company, but if you suffer serious injuries, you can step out of the no-fault system and file a claim with the other party. That way, you will be able to recover the full extent of your damages which include both economic and non-economic.

    Get the Help You Need From the Nation's Most Powerful Injury Firm

    Compensation for a car accident is usually final, and that is why it is important that you get everything right from the onset. With a Morgan and Morgan car wreck lawyer on your team, you can rest assured that your best interests will be protected throughout the claims process and when negotiating a reasonable settlement or verdict. Contact us today to find out if you have a valid claim.

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