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Construction Accident Lawyer in Phoenix

The construction industry pumps billions of dollars into Phoenix's economy and employs thousands of local workers. However, when certain safety standards are not observed in this industry, accidents can happen, leading to serious injuries and sometimes even death.

At Morgan and Morgan, we understand that no amount of compensation can undo the pain you've endured as a result of a construction accident. We also know that if you lost a loved one, no amount of compensation can bring them back. 

In the same breath, life after such an accident can be unbearable in almost every aspect – mentally, physically, emotionally, and even financially. That's where we come in as the nation's largest and most powerful injury firm to help hold the at-fault party accountable and ensure you get compensation for your injuries and losses. 

Contact us today for a free case evaluation. A Phoenix construction accident attorney from our team may be able to get you the kind of compensation that will make you feel whole again.


Morgan & Morgan

    What Are Some Common Causes of Construction Accidents?

    Common causes of construction accidents in Phoenix include falls from heights, electrocution, scaffold collapses, machinery malfunctions, and falling objects. Additionally, these accidents can also happen due to inadequate safety measures, lack of training, and negligence.

    When Can I Sue After a Construction Accident?

    If someone else's negligence, such as a coworker, employer, or third party, contributed to the incident, you may be able to take legal action against them, including but not limited to filing a lawsuit. That said, as the plaintiff, you'll bear the burden of proof, meaning you are responsible for proving that you got injured due to the other party's negligent actions.

    Who Can Be Held Liable for a Construction Accident?

    Liability in such an accident can fall on several parties, such as employers, subcontractors, property owners, manufacturers of faulty equipment, and even architects or engineers if design flaws contribute to the incident. Because we are a powerful injury firm, we have the resources needed to hold multiple parties accountable for your injuries and losses, maximizing your claim as a result.

    Why Do I Need a Construction Accident Lawyer?

    A construction accident lawyer, the right one for that matter, can help you understand your rights, hold the other party accountable, and ensure you receive fair compensation. If that's what you're looking for, you've come to the right place.

    What Damages Can a Lawyer Help Me Recover?

    Typical recoverable damages in such cases include medical expenses, lost wages, rehabilitation costs, pain and suffering, and compensation for long-term disabilities. If your case is valid, a Phoenix construction accident attorney from our team can assess the specific circumstances of your case to determine the full extent of damages you may be entitled to.

    How Much Will It Cost To Hire a Lawyer?

    Our attorneys work on a contingency fee basis, meaning the fee is free unless they win. The typical contingency fee ranges from 33% to 40% of the awarded compensation.  

    Get Your Free Case Evaluation

    Now that you have a rough idea of how construction accident cases work, it's time to have your case reviewed by an expert from our team. Keep in mind that you only have limited time to take action, so fill out our free case evaluation form to get started. 

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