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Birth Injury Attorney in Baltimore

The birth process is often a source of immense joy for most people. It marks the arrival of a newborn after many months of waiting. But when a birth injury happens, the joy may be short-lived. 

That’s because injuries sustained during the birth process are usually associated with long-term effects that could decide how the child lives the rest of their life. As a parent, the last thing you want is to discover that your child’s fate has been sealed from the moment they step into this world. Unfortunately, that’s what some of these injuries do.

Cerebral palsy is a good example of a birth injury that could change your child’s life from the moment they’re born. If your loved one has suffered birth injuries, you should consider taking legal action.

This step is very critical, given that these injuries may require extensive and long-term treatment. You already know how healthcare is expensive not only in Baltimore but throughout the United States.

You shouldn’t have to foot these expensive bills out of pocket, even if you’re in a position to. Healthcare professionals, including nurses, doctors, and midwives, usually have some form of insurance to protect them from such cases. That’s where your compensation should come from if you have a valid case.

To find out whether you may have a valid claim and if a Baltimore birth injury lawyer from Morgan and Morgan might be able to represent you, fill out this form today. A birth injury specialist from our team will review your case for free.


Morgan & Morgan

    Are Birth Injury Cases Difficult to Win?

    Yes, they are, especially without an attorney. That’s because healthcare providers and professionals usually have attorneys, their employers, unions, and even the government (to some extent) fighting for them. To increase your chances of winning, consider hiring an attorney to fight for you.  

    What Damages Am I Entitled To?

    It all depends on the nature of your case. That said, medical expenses, lost wages (if you took time off work to take care of your loved one), lost earning potential, and reduced quality of life are some of the damages that may be available to birth injury victims.

    Who Can I Sue for a Birth Injury?

    The at-fault party can be anyone you believe played a role in the injury. It could be a nurse, midwife, doctor, or even the healthcare facility’s management.

    When Should I Seek Legal Action?

    As soon as possible. Even though some exceptions may apply to your case, allowing you to take action further down the line, the sooner you take action, the better your chances of obtaining favorite results.

    Get a Free Case Evaluation

    At Morgan and Morgan, we understand how painful and life-changing a birth injury can be to you or your loved one. These injuries can decide how the injured live their lives. That’s why we’re here to offer the legal assistance you need to fight for the kind of compensation that will, hopefully, make you feel whole again.

    Get in touch with us today for a free case evaluation. If you have a viable claim, a Baltimore birth injury lawyer from our team might be able to represent you.

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