Construction Accidents: By the Numbers

9 min read time
Construction Numbers

Construction accidents occur for a multitude of reasons. They can be the result of negligence, improper safety precautions, user error, or equipment failure, to name a few. In 2018, construction added over $2.5 trillion to the United States economy, according to the Bureau of Economic Analysis. And according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, there were over 7.5 billion jobs in construction as of August 2019. With such a large and growing industry, it’s easy to see why over one-fifth of workplace fatalities are in construction.

How Often Do Construction Accidents Occur?

In 2017, one construction worker was killed every nine hours in the U.S., according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA). That’s 971 deaths per year. In addition to lethal accidents, there were 90,770 nonfatal injuries involving missed days of work in the construction and extraction industries, the labor bureau’s data shows. These injuries each cost an average of $35,000, according to a 2007 study by the Center for Construction Research and Training. In 2007, fatal and nonfatal injuries cost the construction industry $20 billion annually. These numbers, however, are likely lower than the actual figures. The numbers of nonfatal injuries are limited to those reported to the Survey of Occupational Injuries and Illnesses, and are estimates based on a subset of employers in the construction and extraction industries. Additionally, this data does not include workplace-related injuries that do not result in missed days — which still could lead to costly chronic health problems. 

What Kinds of Injuries Do Construction Accidents Cause?

According to OSHA, the top four types of injuries in construction account for almost 60% of construction fatalities:  

  • Falls: Falls are to blame for over a third of construction fatalities. Workers are prone to falling from heights, but slip-and-falls are common, as well. The greater the drop from a height, the more severe the injury tends to be, but slip-and-falls are no less dangerous.
  • Struck by Objects: Building sites are bustling places, with all sorts of objects in motion, from falling hammers to moving vehicles to explosions. Being struck by industrial moving parts or debris can cause severe injury or death.
  • Electrocution: Electricity is everywhere in construction, powering tools, lighting, cooling systems, and more. High-voltage lines can become deadly when severed or submerged.
  • Caught in or Between Objects: Construction sites involve large equipment and an abundance of materials. Workers face grave injury or death if they become entangled in a machine or are crushed between the massive forces at play.


How a Construction Accident Personal Injury Attorney Can Help

Injuries from construction accidents can be severe or fatal, and costs associated with medical care, lost wages, and funerals can be astronomical. Employers often blame their personnel for workplace injuries when the companies themselves are the negligent party. If you’ve been affected by a construction accident, do not fight this battle alone. We have over 1,000 lawyers across the country fighting for people just like you. Our consultation is free, and you pay us nothing unless we win your case. Fill out a case evaluation today.

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