What to Do After a Dog Bite: Your Guide to Getting Help and Compensation

7 min read time
dog biting his toy

No one wants to be the victim of a vicious dog attack, but this can happen so quickly and suddenly that no one has the chance to understand what to do next. Recognizing the possibility of suing someone for a dog bite requires the outside experience of a knowledgeable personal injury attorney. 

If you or your loved one now has scars or accumulating medical bills because of a severe dog bite, you have the right to pursue compensation. Knowing what to do next is vital for anyone facing these problems, and the legal team at Morgan and Morgan knows how to help you through the legal process. 

A variety of laws exist to protect you as a personal injury victim, but you need to understand how to sue someone after a dog bite and how to best move forward with a lawsuit. Many people do not anticipate a dog bite happening and are left with many different questions in terms of what to do after an incident has happened. 

Remember, a dog bite was not your fault, and if you are the parent of a child who has been bitten by a dog, you can confirm to your child that it was not their fault, either. The support of an experienced and dedicated lawyer is instrumental in helping you to recover compensation for a dog bite. Deciding whether or not to sue after a dog bite is a difficult decision, but recognizing that you have legal rights could be the only way for you to recover compensation.


What Should I Do Immediately After a Dog Bite?

The very first step you should take after a dog bite is to call 911. The police can help facilitate the exchange of information with the dog owner, as well as create a formal incident report. This also allows official authorities to reach out to local animal control and note the bites as well. Usually, the owner might have a dog looked at by a vet to determine whether or not they have a rabies shot on file. 

Laws vary from one state to another, which is why it is so important to identify a personal injury firm with experience in handling dog bites. It is important that you also get insurance information from the owner of the dog. This is best to do when the police are on the scene. Typically, dog bite claims are handled through renters' or homeowners' insurance, meaning that you'll want to get these details while the police are still present. Some people may be hesitant to show their insurance details without the officer present, but as an injured claimant, you are entitled to get these details. 


Why Is It So Important to Get Medical Attention?

You may not realize the severity of a dog bite the moment that it happens. Many people are still in shock about the situation or might not feel anything other than the immediate pain. One of the problems with dog bites is that they can easily develop into infections or other long-term conditions.

Prevent infections by cleaning the wound with water and soap and applying sterile bandages. Bear in mind that a dog's mouth can be filled with bacteria, and if your skin is in any way penetrated or punctured, you could develop an infection. Following through with treatment from a medical expert can also help you identify the extent of the dog bite. 

Creating a trail of documents after suffering a dog bite is important for your claim or lawsuit. Make sure that you note every way in which your life has been affected by this dog bite with your doctor. For example, if you have lost time at work or are unable to enjoy regular activities, share this with your doctor. Furthermore, if you are experiencing emotional distress or trauma because of the bite, you can inquire about getting counseling. Do not be hesitant to get medical treatment when you need it. 

Your physician will be able to provide further diagnostic information or treatment in order to get you better. Failing to get appropriate medical treatment could turn up as a serious problem in your case down the road, as the injured party may argue that your injuries were not severe enough to warrant getting medical attention. This can certainly be frustrating as someone who is living through the consequences of the incident and trying to figure out how to move on with your life, but you must protect your legal rights. When suing someone for dog bite injuries, you need a qualified and dedicated personal injury lawyer. 

When suing someone for dog bite injuries, hiring a lawyer who has handled cases like this before can have a big impact on your ability to recover compensation.


Do I Really Need a Report of the Dog Bite Wound?

You definitely should file a report with the police. Depending on where you live, there may also be a report filed with local animal control. This report is generated by your treating physician or responding police officers depending on your location. Not every state requires a report of the bite wound, but you should contact animal control to verify.


Should I Sue Someone After Suffering Dog Bite Injuries?

You may be eligible for certain kinds of damages in a dog bite beyond basic medical expenses. These can include things such as pain and suffering, scarring, disfigurement of the tissue affected by the injury, and damages associated with lost wages. 

Disfigurement is what makes dog bite claims unique in the personal injury world. Dog bites can lead to scarring of tissue that is much more severe than any other kind of damage-related item in a lawsuit. This is because severe bites may happen over just a couple of seconds but could open flesh and ultimately develop into lifelong scars.  

It is very difficult in most cases for doctors to close these because of the irregular patterns left behind in bite wounds. These bite wounds therefore can be life changing, making it important that you find qualified legal representation like the attorneys working at Morgan & Morgan. The attorneys at Morgan & Morgan know all of the things that you should think about when suing someone after dog bite accidents and are prepared to provide you information about what to expect at each stage of the case.


Should I File a Dog Bite Insurance Claim?

After you've gotten medical attention for your dog bite injury, your attorney can help you further with an insurance claim. You may be able to pursue an insurance claim under a homeowners' or renters' policy. A talented personal injury attorney who has broad experience in dog bite claims will be able to assist you with documenting your injuries to recover compensation. 

Plenty of insurance policies, however, do have reporting windows in which they must be told about a dog attack in a specific time period. This is why it is so crucial to get the insurance details at the bite scene so that you have access to this information right away. This is also the reason you need to set up a meeting with an experienced personal injury attorney like those working at Morgan & Morgan as soon as possible after the accident has happened. You do have the right to recover compensation as a dog bite victim and remember that these insurance claims can take a long time to resolve.

It is always in your best interests to get legal counsel and to file an insurance claim as soon as possible. There are a couple of different details you'll want to have with you when filing a claim, including any medical information you've received, photographs of your injuries, the breed and name of the dog who hurt you, the location and time of the incident, the name and address of the dog owner and the police report number associated with the incident.  

A thorough investigation by a dog bite attorney will help open this investigative period in which the insurance carrier then verifies if coverage exists, assess the incident and determine who is at fault. An attorney can help you through the settlement negotiation process if applicable. An experienced attorney who has handled dog bite cases before will know some of the common ways in which dog bite settlements can be impacted. You want an attorney who is there at your side and who is prepared to fight as hard as possible on your behalf. 

There is no doubt that it is overwhelming and frustrating to move forward with a dog bite claim, especially if the dog that bit you was owned by someone that you know. However, you must protect your rights. Contact Morgan and Morgan for more assistance and get a free, no-obligation case evaluation.

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