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Truck Accident Attorney in Seattle

After a truck accident caused by someone else’s negligence in Seattle, dealing with insurance companies, claims adjusters, and the at-fault party is the last thing you want, especially without an attorney. That’s because insurance companies often take advantage of the pain and suffering accident victims usually face. Instead of offering the kind of compensation that will make you feel whole again, these companies will likely suggest a lowball offer.

And in cases where liability is unclear, they’ll likely devise ways to rid themselves of the financial responsibility of compensating you or a loved one for the injuries or losses sustained. That’s why you need a legal representative with your best interests at heart.

If that’s what you’re looking for, you’ve come to the right place. A Seattle truck accident lawyer from Morgan and Morgan might be able to fight for your right to compensation.

All you need to get started is a free case evaluation by our truck accident specialist. If we establish that negligence was a factor, we might be able to assign one of our attorneys to represent you.


Morgan & Morgan

    How Soon Should I Contact Morgan and Morgan?

    As soon as possible. Keep in mind that time is not on your side. The longer you wait to contact us, the harder it will be to build a strong case since evidence may be lost, witnesses may relocate, and even worse, memories could fade.

    Also, remember that these cases are usually governed by strict statutes of limitations. In Seattle and throughout Washington State, you only have three years to seek legal counsel. The clock begins to count from the accident date. If you miss this deadline, you’ll lose your right to sue.

    What If I Cannot Afford a Lawyer?

    That should be a problem; we only get paid if we win. And when we win, the payment will come from a small fraction of the settlement or verdict, not your own pockets.

    I’m Not Sure What Damages to Include In My Claim. Can You Help?

    Yes, we can. Typically, in such cases, plaintiffs can recover economic and non-economic damages where applicable. These include things like lost wages, medical expenses, loss of enjoyment of life, pain and suffering, cost of long-term care, and more.

    What Is the Average Truck Accident Settlement In Seattle?

    Each case is unique, so there’s no realistic way of estimating damages without reviewing the specifics of your case. Your claim could be worth thousands of dollars or even millions. To find out what exactly you may be entitled to, that is, if you have a valid claim, contact us today for a free case review.

    Contact Morgan and Morgan

    Time is your best friend and worst enemy in such cases. If you contact us immediately, we’ll have a better chance of fighting for you. If you delay the process, you could lose your right to take legal action. 

    So, get in touch with us today for a free, no-obligation case evaluation. An experienced Seattle truck accident lawyer from our team might be able to fight for you.

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