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Motorcycle Accident Lawyer in Sioux Falls

You’re here because you or a loved one has been injured in a motorcycle accident. We understand your pain, and that comes from more than 35 years of experience handling such cases. We know that all traffic accidents are complex, but the level of complexity is even higher in accidents involving motorcycles. 

Take, for example, how insurance companies react to these accidents. In Sioux Falls, these companies know that the high rate of motorcycle accidents in this area means a high number of claims. That’s the last thing any insurance company wants to deal with despite being the very reason they exist.

To minimize liability or avoid it altogether, these companies invest a lot of money in training claims adjusters to handle such cases. They know that when a motorcycle accident happens, and the injured party files a claim, it may include heavy medical bills, expensive repairs or replacements, and other expenses.

That explains why insurance companies are often reluctant to settle such claims, even in cases where their insured is clearly at fault. They’ll try to find anything to minimize liability, even if it means sharing the blame with you, the motorcycle driver or passenger.

At Morgan and Morgan, we’ve been handling complex motorcycle accident claims long enough to anticipate and prepare for every possible scenario. That also boils down to the fact that we’re America’s largest and most powerful injury firm. So, when you hire a Sioux Falls motorcycle accident attorney from our team, you can rest assured that they’re well-equipped and trained to handle the unique circumstances of your case. If you’re ready to get started, fill out this form today.


Morgan & Morgan

    The Accident Happened Because of a Defective Part. Can I Still Sue?

    Yes. In that case, you’ll need to file a product liability claim against the manufacturer, distributor, or advertiser of the product (or any other party in that chain). A product liability attorney from our team will work closely with our motorcycle accident lawyers to get to the bottom of this matter and ensure that whoever was responsible for the defect is held accountable. 

    What Is the Value of My Motorcycle Accident Claim?

    The truth is, we can’t tell the value of your case without reviewing it first. In fact, you shouldn’t trust any lawyer who promises to help you recover a certain amount of compensation without reviewing the specifics of your case. Chances are, they’ll settle for less than you deserve.

    The Insurance Company Wants to Settle. Do I Still a Lawyer?

    Yes, you do, more than ever before. Insurance companies don’t usually like settling claims, so if they offer to do so, it’s because you have a viable case. And given that the initial offer from the insurance company is usually way less than you deserve, you should let a lawyer examine it and determine whether it’s fair. 

    Let Us Fight For Your Right to a Fair Compensation

    A Sioux Falls motorcycle accident lawyer from Morgan and Morgan offers a mix of experience, a deep understanding of motorcycle accident laws, and access to powerful legal resources. That combination is enough to take on any defendant, regardless of size. 

    If that’s what you need, tell us about your case today. We’ll review it for free. 

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