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Truck Accident Attorney in Des Moines

Truck accidents can cause catastrophic property damage, along with the potential for severe injuries. Your injuries can include brain and spinal cord injuries. Death is also a real and grave threat to those involved in a truck accident. If you’re injured in a truck accident, you may be eligible for financial compensation. This also means you may need a Des Moines truck accident lawyer. Morgan & Morgan can help protect your legal rights after a truck accident. Contact Morgan & Morgan today for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.


Morgan & Morgan

    What Are Some Common Causes of Trucking Accidents?

    The potential danger begins before a trucking company even hires a driver and continues straight on through the course of their career. Our experienced truck accident attorneys at Morgan & Morgan can help you identify the underlying causes and sources of negligence that led to your accident so that you can accurately and aggressively seek the monetary consideration that you are due.

    Some common causes of truck accidents are:

    • Reckless driving or speeding
    • Driver fatigue
    • Driving under the influence
    • Lack of certification or training
    • Improperly secured load
    • Violation of load limits or overloading
    • Improperly maintained truck
    • Failure to inspect the vehicle

    Poor road conditions can also cause truck accidents. In the winter, snow, and ice on the roads is common. Some roads in and around Des Moines may also be under construction, and this can lead to a catastrophic truck accident.

    Injuries Common in Truck Accidents

    Some types of injuries commonly sustained in truck accidents can include the following. However, this is only an example of the types of injuries you may experience.

    • Whiplash: Whiplash is a common injury that occurs when the head and neck are forcefully jerked forward and backward due to the impact of a truck accident. It can cause neck pain, stiffness, headaches, and difficulty with mobility.
    • Broken Bones: The immense size and weight of trucks can lead to severe fractures in the event of a collision. Common broken bones include arms, legs, ribs, and pelvis fractures. Multiple fractures or compound fractures may require surgery.
    • Spinal Cord Injuries: Truck accidents can cause traumatic damage to the spinal cord, resulting in partial or complete paralysis. Spinal cord injuries can have life-altering consequences and may require extensive medical care and rehabilitation.
    • Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBI): TBI occurs when there is a sudden jolt or blow to the head, causing damage to the brain. Truck accidents can lead to concussions, contusions, or more severe brain injuries. Symptoms can range from mild headaches and dizziness to cognitive impairments and permanent disabilities.
    • Internal Organ Damage: The forceful impact in a truck accident can cause damage to internal organs, such as the liver, kidneys, spleen, or lungs. Internal bleeding, organ rupture, or punctures can result in life-threatening situations that require immediate medical attention.

    To learn more about your legal options after being injured in a Des Moines truck accident, contact Morgan & Morgan.

    Why Choose Morgan & Morgan as Your Des Moines Truck Accident Lawyer

    Morgan & Morgan is the nation’s largest personal injury law firm, and we have a proven track record of success. If you’re injured in a Des Moines truck accident, contact Morgan & Morgan today to schedule a free consultation with one of our specialists.

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