Headshot of Valerie C. David, an Orlando-based commercial lease and real estate injury lawyer at Morgan & Morgan

Valerie C. David


Mrs. David, a first-generation attorney and native of Central Florida, Drawn into law after an aptitude test, she pursued a major in legal studies at the University of Central Florida, setting the stage for a distinguished career in the field. Following graduation, Mrs. David accumulated nearly a decade of experience as a paralegal specializing in civil, commercial, and complex business litigation at De Beaubien, Knight, Simmons, Mantzaris & Neal, LLP. Her deep-seated passion for law and justice ultimately led her to law school.

She earned her law degree from Florida A&M University College of Law in Orlando, where she excelled academically grading onto law review and then accepting the role and serving as the Executive Articles Editor. She received the highest-grade award in Torts II and graduated cum laude.

Currently, Mrs. David is an attorney with Morgan & Morgan’s Business Trial Group, where she handles commercial and complex business litigation, with a focus on legal malpractice.

Mrs. David is also an active member of the Business Law Section of the Florida Bar. Her contributions include being selected as a 2023-2025 Fellow, serving as Chair of the Electronic Discovery and Digital Evidence Committee (EDDEC), and acting as Second Vice Chair of the Inclusion, Mentoring, and Fellowship Committee.

Outside of her professional life, Mrs. David enjoys quality time at the lake or beach with her husband and two young children.


Publications & Related Articles:

https://flabizlaw.org/member-articles/beyond-the-hype-understanding-chatgpt/, Business Law Section of the Florida Bar Journal, November 2023.  

https://www.businesstrialgroup.com/news/morgan-morgan-wins-26-million-finra-arbitration-award-against-robert-w-baird-co/, November 2023.

  • University of Central Florida, 2008
  • Florida A & M University College of Law, 2022 (cum laude)

  • Business Law Section of the Florida Bar

  • Florida Bar