(407) 904-6230 877 667 4265

The Bedford Office

Personal Injury Lawyers in Bedford

15 Constitution Drive, Suite 106
Bedford, NH 03110

Rating Overview

five stars
based on 1,119 reviews
Contact us today
Bedford Personal Injury Lawyer

An injury—whether due to a Slip and Fall, motorcycle crash, car accident, or otherwise—can be a scary experience that leads to various physical and mental stressors. On top of it all, the insurance company will likely try to pay you the least amount they can.

Since our founding in 1988, Morgan & Morgan has been helping injury victims secure justice and compensation. We understand how to determine the full value of your case, and won’t settle for a penny less. If you’ve been hurt due to someone else’s actions, schedule a free, no-obligation case evaluation.

Estamos aquí en Bedford: Vivimos y trabajamos en Bedford. Nuestro sitio de web en Español, abogados.com, ayuda la población latina de New Hampshire. Complete una evaluación de caso gratis hoy.



    What Does a Personal Injury Lawyer Do?

    Personal injury lawyers apply years of experience in resolving personal injury cases. We can assess your injury, build the strongest case possible, and fight to ensure that you get the full compensation you are owed. We’re aware of the many short- and long-term effects an injury can have, and it’s our job to bring them to light.

    How Long Will My Case Take?

    Every case is unique, so there’s no “one size fits all” approach to resolving injury claims. However, we generally follow a standard set of steps when working through your case:

    1. Investigate the cause of your injury
    2. Gather evidence including medical records, accident reports, and witness accounts
    3. Analyze the information to determine the full value of your case
    4. Negotiate a settlement with the defendant’s insurance company
    5. Prepare the case for trial if a fair settlement can’t be reached

    The attorneys in Bedford aren’t afraid to go to trial whenever necessary—it’s our job to get you the compensation you deserve, and we’re ready to do what it takes.

    Why Morgan & Morgan?

    Morgan & Morgan’s personal injury attorneys fight For The People, Not The Powerful. Here are just a few of our many highlights:

    • Over $20 billion won for our clients
    • 24/7 access to our team
    • Family-style attention with large firm resources
    • We don’t get paid unless you win

    Get Started Today

    If you’ve been hurt in New Hampshire, contact the attorneys at Morgan & Morgan’s Bedford office. We don’t get paid unless your claim is successful, and our fee comes out of the trial winnings or favorable settlement—never your own pocket.

    Schedule a free case evaluation to find out what we can do for you today.

    Disclaimer: Cases may be referred to and handled by another law firm as referral counsel.

    ¿Usted tiene preguntas acerca de su caso en español?

    Los abogados de lesiones personales de Morgan & Morgan entendemos lo importante que es resolver todas sus preguntas legales en el idioma en el que usted pueda entender mejor. Por eso contamos con una sección de Preguntas Frecuentes en nuestra página de abogados.com. Recuerde que en caso de ser victima de un accidente y necesitar ayuda legal, usted cuenta con los abogados de Morgan & Morgan. Siendo el bufete de abogados de lesiones personales más grande de los Estados Unidos, contamos con los recursos y la experiencia que usted necesita para defender sus derechos. ¡La justicia es derecho de todos!