(407) 904-6230 877 667 4265

The Bozeman Office

Personal Injury Lawyers in Bozeman

5 West Mendenhall Street, Suite 235
Bozeman, MT 59715

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Bozeman Personal Injury Lawyer

Known for its quick access to the outdoors, there’s plenty to explore in scenic Bozeman. Unfortunately, if you’ve been injured in a car accident, Slip and Fall, or another incident, you might not be able to take in all of the sights. What’s more, if the insurance company gives you a hard time about your claim, you might encounter significant financial difficulties in addition to physical pain.

The attorneys at Morgan & Morgan’s Bozeman office are here to help. An attorney will work tirelessly on your behalf to help you recover the compensation you need to get your life back on track.

Find out more by scheduling a free, no-risk case evaluation.

Estamos aquí en Bozeman: Vivimos y trabajamos en Bozeman. Nuestro sitio de web en Español, abogados.com, ayuda la población latina de Montana. Complete una evaluación de caso gratis hoy.



    Why Morgan & Morgan?

    A severe injury can result in more than physical anguish. It can also lead to medical expenses, property damage, lost wages, and various other losses. It’s our job to recover compensation for all of your losses, so you can focus on healing.

    Morgan & Morgan provides you an excellent chance at receiving full restitution. 

    • For more than 30 years, we’ve been fighting For The People, Not The Powerful 
    • In that time, we’ve won more than $20 billion nationwide for injury victims
    • When we go to trial, our verdicts, on average, exceed pre-trial settlement offers by a factor of 20

    Chances are, the insurance company will do anything they can do to minimize or deny your claim. However, our attorneys understand how to identify the true value of an injury and build the strongest case possible. If the insurance company is unwilling to negotiate, we’re prepared to go to trial.

    What Types of Compensation Can I Recover?

    Every personal injury case is unique, but if successful, you may be awarded some combination of the following damages:

    • Pain and suffering for the physical and emotional stress you’ve endured
    • Lost wages if you can no longer do your job
    • Reduced earning capacity if your injury has affected your career prospects
    • Medical expenses including hospital bills, surgery, medication, and therapy
    • Punitive damages intended to punish the liable party for reckless behavior
    • Funeral expenses if you lost a loved one

    Is a Lawyer Expensive?

    In a word, no. At Morgan & Morgan, we believe that everyone deserves high-quality legal representation. That’s why we work on a contingency basis, meaning we don’t get paid until and unless we win your case. You won’t be saddled with upfront fees or out-of-pocket costs, so there’s no risk to you. Our payment is a percentage of the successful jury award or settlement we obtain. 

    Contact a Bozeman Personal Injury Lawyer

    If you’ve been injured in Montana, contact Morgan & Morgan’s Bozeman office. An attorney is ready to fight for your rights and compensation.

    Find out how we can help by scheduling a free, no-obligation case evaluation. Remember, it costs nothing to hire us, and we get paid only if you win. Contact us today.

    Disclaimer: Cases may be referred to and handled by another law firm as referral counsel. By Appointment Only. 

    ¿Usted tiene preguntas acerca de su caso en español?

    Los abogados de lesiones personales de Morgan & Morgan entendemos lo importante que es resolver todas sus preguntas legales en el idioma en el que usted pueda entender mejor. Por eso contamos con una sección de Preguntas Frecuentes en nuestra página de abogados.com. Recuerde que en caso de ser victima de un accidente y necesitar ayuda legal, usted cuenta con los abogados de Morgan & Morgan. Siendo el bufete de abogados de lesiones personales más grande de los Estados Unidos, contamos con los recursos y la experiencia que usted necesita para defender sus derechos. ¡La justicia es derecho de todos!