(407) 904-6230 877 667 4265

The Portland Maine Office

Personal Injury Attorneys in Portland

254 Commercial Street, Suite 229
Portland, ME 04101

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five stars
based on 1,205 reviews
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Need Help? Morgan & Morgan’s Personal Injury Lawyers in Portland, Maine Are Ready To Fight for You.

If you were injured due to someone else’s negligence, you shouldn’t have to pay the ensuing costs. To recover the compensation you deserve, you’ll need the help of a skilled personal injury attorney.

For more than 35 years, Morgan & Morgan has been fighting For The People, not the powerful. Our team of over 1,000 attorneys is dedicated to getting the best results for our clients, no matter what it takes. To date, we’ve won over $20 billion on their behalf. 

Our attorneys never settle for less, and neither should you. Contact our Portland, Maine office to schedule a free, no-obligation case evaluation.

Estamos aquí en Portland: Vivimos y trabajamos en Portland. Nuestro sitio de web en Español, abogados.com, ayuda la población latina de Maine. Complete una evaluación de caso gratis hoy.


Portland Maine

    Why Should I Talk to a Lawyer?

    Physical pain is only part of the problem after an injury. You also have medical expenses to deal with and, more than likely, an insurance company that will do all it can to pay you as little as possible. These are difficult circumstances for anyone to manage.

    Our attorneys are here to make things easier for you. We can identify the full scope of your losses and fight for the compensation you deserve. If the insurance company is unwilling to negotiate fairly, we’re ready to take your case to trial.

    In times like these, you can count on us.

    What Types of Compensation Can I Recover?

    Our goal is to recover every penny you’re owed. Our lawyers will evaluate the short- and long-term losses you’ve incurred, then fight to secure damages potentially including:

    • Past and future medical expenses (e.g, hospital bills, physical therapy, doctor visits)
    • Lost wages
    • Reduced earning capacity
    • Pain and suffering
    • Property damage

    What Types of Cases Does Morgan & Morgan Handle?

    Morgan & Morgan attorneys are well-versed in helping clients with a wide variety of cases, including:

    We also litigate insurance disputesSocial Security Disability (SSDI) claimsworkers’ compensation, and many other case types. If you believe you may have a claim, contact us right away.

    Why Hire Morgan & Morgan?

    All law firms are not the same. They don’t all have an army of more than 1,000 attorneys collaborating to get the best results for each and every client; they don’t all have a track record of success that includes over $20 billion won; and they don’t all give every client the personalized attention they deserve.

    There’s only one Morgan & Morgan.

    Contact Us

    As America’s largest personal injury law firm, Morgan & Morgan is uniquely equipped to handle virtually any injury case. If you were injured, contact us for a free, no-obligation case evaluation

    It costs nothing to hire us: we get paid only if you win, so there are no upfront fees and there’s no risk to you.

    Disclaimer: Cases may be referred to and handled by another law firm as referral counsel.

    ¿Usted tiene preguntas acerca de su caso en español?

    Los abogados de lesiones personales de Morgan & Morgan entendemos lo importante que es resolver todas sus preguntas legales en el idioma en el que usted pueda entender mejor. Por eso contamos con una sección de Preguntas Frecuentes en nuestra página de abogados.com. Recuerde que en caso de ser victima de un accidente y necesitar ayuda legal, usted cuenta con los abogados de Morgan & Morgan. Siendo el bufete de abogados de lesiones personales más grande de los Estados Unidos, contamos con los recursos y la experiencia que usted necesita para defender sus derechos. ¡La justicia es derecho de todos!