(407) 904-6230 877 667 4265

The Des Moines Office

Personal Injury Lawyers in Des Moines

699 Walnut Street, Suite 401
Des Moines, IA 50309

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based on 1,110 reviews
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Des Moines Personal Injury Lawyer

Have you been injured in an accident? If so, you’re probably wondering what to do. In addition to physical and emotional pain and suffering, you are likely facing significant financial challenges.

At Morgan & Morgan, we understand the myriad ways serious injuries can disrupt your life. For over 30 years, we have fought to protect the rights of people who have been injured. Since 1988, we’ve helped our clients recover more than $20 billion in damages, and we may be able to help you.

In most cases, Iowa law requires you to file your personal injury lawsuit within two years of the date of your injury. That means there’s no time to waste. Contact our Des Moines office today for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.

Estamos aquí en Des Moines: Vivimos y trabajamos en Des Moines. Nuestro sitio de web en Español, abogados.com, ayuda la población latina de Iowa. Complete una evaluación de caso gratis hoy.


Des Moines

    Why You Need a Personal Injury Attorney

    When you’ve been injured, the right representation can be the difference between recovering the compensation you deserve and receiving a tiny fraction of what you need to put your life back together — or worse, nothing at all.

    The lawyer you hire needs to have the experience and resources to investigate your case thoroughly and take your case to trial if an acceptable settlement cannot be reached. With Morgan & Morgan, you get the best of both worlds: the resources of America’s largest personal injury firm, and the personal attention of a small, family-owned organization. We treat every case like our most important one, and we won’t rest until you are satisfied with the results.

    You don’t want to go up against an insurance company alone. You need an experienced attorney in your corner who will advocate and fight for you.

    How are Personal Injury Damages Determined?

    An attorney will review medical records and other important data to calculate the total cost of your injury. These amounts vary greatly depending on the case, but personal injury claims typically seek to recover some or all of the following damages:

    • Medical costs, including hospital bills
    • Lost income
    • Property damage
    • Loss of earning capacity 
    • Pain and suffering
    • Funeral expenses (in cases of wrongful death)

    It’s important to remember that in most cases, insurance companies and corporations are not on your side. They work to protect their bottom line, not your health or wellbeing. That’s why you need an experienced attorney with the skills, resources, and willingness to fight for everything that you’re owed.

    How Much Does an Attorney Cost?

    Less than you think. It costs nothing upfront to hire us because we work on a contingency basis. That means we only receive a fixed percentage of the settlement or award at trial. The size of your bank account or paycheck has no bearing on your ability to seek justice.

    If we don’t reach a favorable settlement or win your case at trial, you pay nothing. That’s right: We don’t get paid unless you do.

    Contact the Des Moines Office

    If you’ve been injured in a car or truck crash, slip-and-fall, workplace accident, or another incident, Morgan & Morgan may be able to help you get back on your feet. The experienced personal injury lawyers in our Des Moines office are ready to review your case.

    For a free, no-obligation case evaluation, contact us today.

    Disclaimer: Cases may be referred to and handled by another law firm as referral counsel.

    ¿Usted tiene preguntas acerca de su caso en español? 

    Los abogados de lesiones personales de Morgan & Morgan entendemos lo importante que es resolver todas sus preguntas legales en el idioma en el que usted pueda entender mejor. Por eso contamos con una sección de Preguntas Frecuentes en nuestra página de abogados.com. Recuerde que en caso de ser victima de un accidente y necesitar ayuda legal, usted cuenta con los abogados de Morgan & Morgan. Siendo el bufete de abogados de lesiones personales más grande de los Estados Unidos, contamos con los recursos y la experiencia que usted necesita para defender sus derechos. ¡La justicia es derecho de todos!