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Injured While Shopping at a Supermarket or Retail Store?

Supermarket & Retail Store Accidents

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Suffered an Injury at a Supermarket or Retail Store While Shopping?

The average human spends more than 300 hours a year shopping at retail stores. But for some people, trips to supermarkets or retail stores remind them of painful memories of injuries they or their loved ones sustained at these establishments. if that’s the kind of pain you are dealing with, you may have the right to file a legal claim for compensation against the at-fault party. To learn more about your rights and options, contact us today for a free, no-obligation case evaluation.


Morgan & Morgan

    Common Causes of Supermarket and Retail Store Accidents

    Slip and fall incidents are among the most common accidents at supermarkets and retail stores. Most of these accidents occur due to wet floors from spills or cleaning without proper signage.

    Cluttered aisles or merchandise falling from shelves can also cause accidents at retail stores.  

    Sometimes, accidents occur due to poor maintenance of the premises, such as uneven flooring or even broken shelving.


    Possible Injuries Caused By Accidents at Supermarket and Retail Stores

    Some of the most common injuries our attorneys have witnessed in such accidents include:

    • Cuts and bruises
    • Broken bones
    • Head injuries from falls or being hit by falling objects
    • Back or spinal injuries
    • Emotional trauma

    Who Can Take Legal Action?

    Anyone who suffers an injury in a supermarket or retail store can take legal action against the party believed to be responsible. This includes customers, employees, or even delivery personnel if the store's conditions contributed to the accident.

    However, to prove negligence, the injured party must show that the store failed to maintain safe conditions as expected. Our team of accident investigators can help establish this if you have a valid claim.

    Why You Should Take Legal Action

    Taking legal action after an accident in a supermarket or retail store can provide financial compensation for medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering endured due to the accident. 

    Secondly, it holds the store accountable for its safety practices, potentially preventing future accidents by encouraging better safety standards and maintenance. Finally, legal action can offer a sense of justice and closure for the injured party, helping them to cope with the aftermath of the accident.

    Contact America’s Largest Injury Firm

    Supermarkets and retail stores are usually represented by powerful insurance companies when such claims are filed against them. That’s why you need an even more powerful legal team to fight for you. Contact Morgan and Morgan, the nation’s largest and most powerful injury firm, for a free case evaluation.