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Compensation for Nursing Home Abuse

Compensation for Nursing Home Abuse

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Compensation for Nursing Home Abuse

Nursing home abuse compensation is the monetary award for victims of nursing home abuse and their families. This compensation can be awarded as an out-of-court settlement or result from a trial verdict. Seeking compensation holds the assisted living facility accountable for the abuse and can help provide elderly victims with the financial resources to pay for medical expenses and more. Pursuing compensation for nursing home abuse will hold the abusers accountable for their actions and provide victims with valuable financial resources they need to recover from the traumatic experience. This is why hiring an experienced nursing home abuse attorney can help the process go smoothly and maximize compensation for your injuries. 

Compensation Nursing Home Abuse Victims Can Receive

Pursuing compensation for nursing home abuse can help you or your loved one get peace of mind after a tragic incident. The most common forms of compensation victims of nursing home abuse can receive include, but are not limited to:

  • Medical Bills: Those involved in a nursing home abuse case might need to receive medical care for their sustained injuries. This can include tests, treatment, hospital stays, and outpatient care; however, it doesn’t always end there. The medical care received could also be required for an extended period of time, especially if severe or permanent injuries. The abused victim may face medical bills that are thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars. The damages assessed against the defendant in a settlement or trial should, ideally, cover all of this.
  • Pain and Suffering: Victims often are burdened with carrying the trauma of the abuse they suffered while in the nursing home. Depending on the nature of the abuse, a victim can suffer anything from severe anxiety and depression to severe mental trauma, like post-traumatic stress disorder. 
  • Wrongful Death: When a loved one has passed away due to abuse or neglect, families or friends may seek a wrongful death claim. Many survivors are often left without the love, support, and or even the income of the deceased family member, and courts can award compensation accordingly.

Compensation may also be received for counseling, physical therapy, punitive damages, and the costs of a new nursing home. Seeking compensation can also set a precedent, helping ensure those future cases of abuse will be recognized and acted on–which may help prevent others from suffering in the same way.

When and How Do I File a Wrongful Death or Abuse Lawsuit?

In the United States, federal and state laws help protect those residents in nursing homes from neglect and abuse. However, for nursing home abuse lawsuits, there are also statutes of limitations in place. These statutes of limitations restrict the number of times victims and families have to file a lawsuit, averaging between 2-3 years in most states. This is why it is vital for you to take action against nursing home abuse as quickly as possible. If you hire Morgan & Morgan, an experienced attorney can help simplify the complex process of filing a nursing home abuse lawsuit. They'll help guide you through the complicated process and help ensure that you receive the full and fair compensation you deserve.

A Morgan & Morgan Nursing Home Abuse Attorney Can Help 

A lawsuit is an essential option for those who have experienced abuse personally or family members who have wrongfully lost a loved one. Deciding to file a lawsuit can seem like an overwhelming and complicated endeavor, but working with an experienced attorney can make the process as smooth as possible. If you or someone you know is interested in pursuing legal action against an abusive or neglectful nursing home, our attorneys may be able to help you. For more information, don't hesitate to get in touch with our offices by filling out our free, no-obligation case review form today.


Nursing Home Abuse Compensation FAQs

    Who Is Eligible for Compensation?

    Unsuspecting victims of abuse entered their long-term care facilities with the expectation of being provided with proper medical care. Still, when the unthinkable happens, nursing home abuse claims ensure those who have experienced abuse are recognized and rightfully compensated. However, at Morgan & Morgan, we understand that when it comes to filing a lawsuit, it can often be confusing to know who is eligible for compensation. In these abuse cases, both the victims of abuse and their families may be eligible to receive compensation for the damages incurred in the nursing home. 

    In order to receive compensation for their case, the victim of abuse and their families must have experienced the following:

    • They have suffered nursing home neglect
    • Suffered mental anguish due to neglect
    • They were subjected to emotional abuse, physical abuse, financial abuse, or sexual abuse
    • Or a wrongful death has occurred

    If you suspect someone you know is suffering from abuse while staying in a nursing home, contact our nursing home attorneys today by completing our free, no-obligation case review form.