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Info Stolen in Capaital One Data Breach?

Capital One Data Breach Lawsuit

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Was Your Private Information Compromised in the Capital One Data Breach?

Capital One Bank has announced that the highly sensitive financial and personal information of more than 100 million banking and credit card customers was accessed and stolen by an outside hacker. The Washington Post reports that the alleged hacker has already been arrested by the FBI. Capital One Bank’s failure to protect this data is an unacceptable breach of customer trust, and Morgan & Morgan is working to hold the bank accountable and to seek compensation for those affected. Contact us right away to find out if you are eligible to join a class action against Capital One. 


Capital One Data Breach Lawsuit FAQs

    What kind of data was stolen?

    At this time, we know that the following types of personal and financial information were hacked:

    • Bank account numbers
    • Social Security numbers
    • Credit card applications, including income figures, home addresses, and dates of birth

    At this time Capital One is denying that credit card numbers and online log-in information were exposed. The FBI says that the hacker intended to distribute the stolen information, and it is currently unknown if they were able to do so before being arrested. 

    What can be done with the stolen data?

    A criminal in possession of a stolen bank account number might be able to empty that account and transfer it to a different account. A stolen Social Security number can be used to open credit cards, piling up debt and ruining the credit rating of the SSN owner. And the information found on a standard credit card application can be used in a wide variety of hacking and social manipulation schemes.

    How can I tell if I was affected by this breach?

    Capital One Bank has announced that they will be notifying affected customers and offering them free credit monitoring. If you’re a Capital One customer, be on the lookout for a message from the bank about what steps you should take if you were affected.  But free credit monitoring in the hope of preventing future damage is not enough. Material harm has been done to you, and you have the right to hold the negligent bank accountable and demand compensation.

    How do I join the class action lawsuit?

    Our lawyers have extensive experience with data breaches, and we have a long track record of successfully holding negligent corporations accountable. Fill out our case-evaluation form right away to find out if you have a case for compensation.