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Rideshare Lawyers

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Rideshare Lawyers

Ridesharing services such as Uber and Lyft have made getting from Point A to Point B more convenient. Whereas before you might call a taxi, hire a transportation service, or ask a friend to drive you, now you simply open an app, enter your destination, and get on your way in a matter of moments. Yet for all the benefits these services provide, there are certain drawbacks.

When you take a bus or taxi, there is a specific insurance these vehicles and their providers carry that protects you in the event of an accident. A ridesharing driver, on the other hand, doesn’t need a separate insurance policy, meaning you may not be covered by the driver’s insurance. Who, then, is responsible if you’re injured as a passenger in an Uber or Lyft vehicle? How can a rideshare accident lawyer help you collect compensation?


Morgan & Morgan

    Who Is Responsible for Your Injury?

    In a ridesharing auto accident claim, there are multiple insurance companies involved: the ridesharing company’s insurer, the rideshare driver’s private insurer, and the other driver’s insurer. How do they all fit together? And how do you recover compensation for your injury?

    • If the ridesharing driver was at fault for your injury: If the driver has a commercial insurance policy or a personal auto insurance policy that includes a provision that covers ridesharing, the driver’s coverage will apply for your injuries. However, most ridesharing drivers don’t have these policies. Further, their personal car insurance policy likely has a business use exception, meaning damages for injuries that take place while the driver is working for profit won’t be covered. To complicate matters, oftentimes drivers don’t have enough resources to compensate you for your losses should you decide to sue them directly.

    However, Uber and Lyft both carry third party liability insurance. These policies pay up to $1 million per accident for personal injuries and property damage. As a passenger, you may be covered through these policies.

    • If the other driver was at fault for your injury: If someone other than the Uber or Lyft driver was responsible for the crash, you may be able to recover damages from the at-fault driver through their insurance provider.

    Can You Sue Uber or Lyft Directly?

    Uber and Lyft drivers are classified as independent contractors rather than employees, making it difficult to hold ridesharing companies liable for the behavior of their drivers. Because recovering damages through the ridesharing company’s liability coverage may be a viable option, going after the company directly is generally not the best or first option for injury victims.

    Contact a Rideshare Attorney at Morgan & Morgan

    If you were injured as a passenger in an Uber or Lyft accident, you may be able to recover compensation for past and future medical bills, lost wages, physical impairment, pain and suffering, and other damages. The rideshare lawyers at Morgan & Morgan can help you identify who was responsible for your injury and navigate the complex claims process to recover the damages you are owed. To learn more, schedule a free case evaluation now.