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Food Poisoning Listeria Lawyer

Food Poisoning Listeria Lawyer

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Food Poisoning Listeria Lawyer

In some cases of food poisoning, your symptoms may be gone in a couple of hours. Though for the unlucky few, exposure to food that has been contaminated may lead to a bacterial infection known as Listeria. Those who have been exposed to the bacteria will see symptoms begin a few days after they've eaten contaminated food, but it can take up to 30 days or more before the first signs and symptoms of infection begin. Listeria symptoms may include but are not limited to neck stiffness, headaches, confusion, fever, convulsions, loss of balance, and muscle aches.  Women who are pregnant can experience flu-like symptoms, including muscle aches, fever, exhaustion, and fatigue. In some cases, listeria infections during pregnancy may lead to miscarriage, stillbirth, premature delivery, or life-threatening infection of the newborn.

Foods that may cause you to be exposed to listeria are:

  • Soft cheeses such as queso fresco
  • Melons
  • Sprouts
  • Hot dogs
  • Deli meats
  • Pâtés
  • Smoked seafood
  • Unpasteurized milk

At Morgan & Morgan, we understand how the effects of food poisoning can lead to devastating and unexpected life-altering experiences. You and your loved ones should never have to worry whether or not the food you consume will cause you harm. However, when the unthinkable happens, we believe you should know the steps in identifying whether or not you’ve been affected by food poisoning and what you can do to make sure those who caused you needless suffering are held accountable for their negligent actions.


Food Poisoning Listeria Lawyer FAQs

    How Do I Know If I Have a Case?

    Contacting a law firm to help review your case claim can make all the difference when it comes to facing those whose negligence has caused you harm. Food poisoning's effects can leave you and those who depend on you in an unexpected time of hardship that can cause significant financial damage that may take years to recover from. While every case varies, victims of food poisoning most commonly will see compensation for the following:

    • Medical Bills
    • Lost Wages
    • Wrongful Death
    • Punitive Damages
    • Pain and Suffering

    If you or a loved one have experienced symptoms of Listeria caused by food poisoning, you may be entitled to compensation. Our attorneys have seen your situation before and understand how difficult it is to take this on alone. When you hire our law firm, our team of expert attorneys are ready to fight for the compensation you deserve.

    How Can a Food Poisoning Attorney Help Me?

    When you hire a Morgan & Morgan attorney, they’ll get straight to work on your case. In order to bring you the best outcome for your case, your attorney will collect and review any records directly related to your claim. These documents may include but are not limited to; medical records, bills, and your insurance policy information. Your legal team will consult with medical experts, investigate the source of contamination, as well as question witnesses to strengthen your case. 

    With the information and evidence gathered, they will head-on with the defendant’s attorney to negotiate your claim and get you the best compensation. If negotiations are unsuccessful outside of the courtroom, your attorney will be prepared to go to court on your behalf. 

    Contact a Food Poisoning Attorney 

    If you believe you or a loved one are showing symptoms or have suffered from the effects of food poisoning, don't try to take on the insurance companies alone. For over 30 years, Morgan & Morgan has been fighting for the people, and we've won over $20 billion for our clients. When you hire us, our team of over 1,000 expert attorneys and 3,000 support staff will be in your corner to help you fight to get back what matters most.

    Have you or a loved one been diagnosed with Listeria due to food poisoning or a related illness? If so, we want to help you. To get started, please fill out our free, no-obligation case evaluation form, and one of our food poisoning attorneys will be in touch.