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Food Poisoning E. Coli Lawyer

Food Poisoning E. Coli Lawyer

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Food Poisoning E. Coli Lawyer

One out of six Americans suffers from food poisoning—such as foodborne bacterial infections like Escherichia coli (or E. coli)—each year. Over 3,000 of those food-related illnesses tragically end in death. Food poisoning can lead to life-altering or even life-threatening consequences for those victims who ingest the bacteria-ridden foods. Despite that fact, many food distributors continue to operate with careless negligence regarding food safety and sanitation and can subsequently endanger the lives of many Americans. 

If you or someone you love has become ill as the result of unsafe food, it is imperative to act quickly—first, to seek medical treatment, and second, to hold the guilty parties accountable and receive the compensation you deserve. When the unthinkable happens, you need to know that the law firm you hire will fight tirelessly to help you get back on your feet and back to what matters most. Our food poisoning attorneys understand how important it is for those to be held accountable for their negligent actions that caused you and your loved ones needless suffering.


Food Poisoning E. Coli Lawyer FAQs

    What Compensation Can I Recover?

    With the right team of attorneys on your side, you may be able to recover substantial damages for your food poisoning case. When you hire a Morgan & Morgan food poisoning attorney, not only will they fight to hold those negligent parties accountable, but they’ll also fight tirelessly in order for you to receive your full and fair compensation so you can focus on healing and moving on with your life. While every case varies, victims of food poisoning most commonly will see compensation for the following:

    • Medical Bills
    • Lost Wages
    • Wrongful Death
    • Punitive Damages
    • Pain and Suffering

    At Morgan & Morgan, we understand how difficult it can be to try to get back to your life after not only physically recovering but financially recovering after an illness. When you hire us, you’ll have an army of expert attorneys and legal staff fighting in your corner to ensure those parties are held accountable and that you receive your full and fair compensation while you focus on healing and getting back to normal.

    What Are the Signs of E. Coli?

    When it comes to common cases of food poisoning, some individuals may be diagnosed with E. coli. While most are able to recover within five to seven days due to milder strains, there are other cases where an infection may lead to severe or even life-threatening situations. Most victims infected with E. coli. will start feeling sick three to four days after eating or drinking something that contains the bacteria. However, symptoms can begin anywhere from one to ten days after exposure. E. coli infections vary from person to person, but most common symptoms often include fever, severe stomach cramps, bloody diarrhea, and vomiting. 
    Victims  may often contract E. coli from the following foods:

    • Unpasteurized milk and juice
    • Undercooked or raw ground beef
    • Raw vegetables
    • Raw sprouts 
    • Contaminated water

    If you have experienced severe dehydration or diarrhea symptoms lasting longer than three days, seek immediate medical attention. Along with treatment, your doctor may serve as a credible source of evidence when pursuing a food poisoning lawsuit.

    Contact a Food Poisoning Lawyer

    All law firms are not the same. For over 30 years, Morgan & Morgan have been fighting for the people and have won over $20 billion for our clients. If you or a loved one have been diagnosed with E. coli due to food poisoning or a related illness, our team of dedicated, expert attorneys may be able to help you receive the compensation you deserve. 

    To get started, please fill out our free, no-obligation case evaluation form, and one of our attorneys will be in touch.